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Please tell us about positive childhood and community experiences you are helping to create?

New research shows the vital importance of positive childhood experiences in helping to create empathy in children. See "The influence of Adverse and Positive Childhood Experiences on facets of empathy".

We are eager to find, illuminate, and share as models or norms these positive childhood experiences!

You could simply post a photograph of a community experience that is culturally appropriate and community led, with information about your resiliency or PACEs group, what it is you all created as a positive community experience (building a playground, a school outing, creating a new recreation program, presenting a children's play, taking children in a city environment out into nature for a field trip).

For communities that are being strategic about increasing the number of positive childhood and community experiences you're creating? We'd love to know more. Are there corporations or government entities that are taking the lead on positive workplace or family experiences? It all counts!

Let's start creating, celebrating, illuminating, and NORMING the positive by sharing what's working where!

As always, thank you all for being members of PACEs Connection, for your comments, posts, financial support, and especially the support you take in to your communities to raise awareness of the impact of positive and adverse childhood experiences on the lives, health, and wellbeing of humans across the lifespan!

Last edited by Carey Sipp
Original Post
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