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Even though our focus is on educators, we work with the general public frequently with a few modifications.  We just uploaded our Building Resilience -3 hour workshop onto vimeo...not to0 expensive. (And it is from 5 years ago.... but still covers the big ideas.)

I am part of a non-profit, Resources for Resilience, that offers a two day curriculum on ACEs, the neurobiology of stress and trauma, and a set of seven wellness skills that promote resiliency of the body and mind  for the individual and the community. The curriculum is called Reconnect for Resilience and  the website is


I have a workbook Hornets and Hippos: How to use Imagination, Mindfulness and Brain Science to Decrease Fear and Anger and Reach Your Goals. I also offer workshops for families and CEU course based on the workbook. The highlights of this program is that it teaches what is happening in the body and brain when we get reactive and how to help calm the body. There are brain coloring pages from the workbook that are free down loads as well as a YouTube channel where you can listen to the mindfulness activities that are in the workbook (also free). Although the workbook does not use the term ACE'S, it was developed in my clinical practice to help kids and parents with the what ACE'S can do to our body and to our mindset, providing a kids and parents friendly ways to help heal after upset. I have had the opportunity to present to school teachers and administrators, foster care parents, clinicians and this fall I will be presenting at the Indiana Learning Disabilities Association annual conference. Workbooks can also be purchased in bulk and at significant discount for organizations that would like to make the information easily available. If you would like to join the newsletter, I will keep you updates on Hornet and Hippo events as well as new material as it comes out. The newest addition, added this summer, is a 2 minute mindfulness breathing brain break, to help kids transition from one activity to the next. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or ideas of where Hornets and Hippos might fit in within your community.

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