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Hi, Donna: When state agencies in Wisconsin began their journey to become trauma-informed, one began measuring staff turnover and found a marked drop after one year. I know they've been following it since. Here's the link to the original story:

My contact was Ann Jesko, Vice President, Human Resources
Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation

I work in a forensic mental health hospital Fulton State Hospital in Missouri.  We have not seen a decrease in staff turnover I think more related to low unemployment rates and low pay scale in MO. However, we have seen a very significant reduction in employee injuries and client injuries. Cultural shift in our setting has been a process we have been working on for many years. We have made significant progress in shifting our culture with the development of our own training package which includes "Trauma Informed Care" now since 2013. Annually we also provide a refresher to all staff- on alternating topics related to TIC.  I would encourage you to visit the Missouri Model of Trauma Informed Care for organizations working to become "trauma informed" and to begin documenting any actions taken with dates and then tracking staff and client satisfaction and other data like turnover, etc. so that you can document progress.

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