Hi everyone. After much digging and coming up empty, does anyone know of or using a screening tool by K-12 school systems to help identify a student who you suspect might be a victim already or at high risk for becoming one?
Hi everyone. After much digging and coming up empty, does anyone know of or using a screening tool by K-12 school systems to help identify a student who you suspect might be a victim already or at high risk for becoming one?
Replies sorted oldest to newest
I'm not sure how Vermont resolved concerns about 'screening' [K-12] students after [2013 session] House bill 762, which [proposed (George Till, M.D., a pediatrician, was Prime Sponsor of the bill]) requiring ALL [Vt.] Health Care providers to screen all patients, regardless of age, for ACEs.
The World Health Organization may offer some guidance in this with their multi-lingual WHO ACE International Questionaire-which has an instructional guide-if I'm not mistaken.
Use of a Resilience Score tool may be in order, as well.
Thank you Robert and thank you Vermont for being upstream with their implementation plan. It takes great servant leadership like Dr. Till to pull this off. I will do my search on that bill and thank you for that reminder that the ACE screening goes hand in hand with resiliency screening- we all have strengths that give us a starting point for guiding our interventions.
Rhonda Hertwig
Hi, Rhonda:
Elsie Allen High School's clinic screens for ACEs: https://pacesconnection.crowdstack.io/...high-school-students
The questions are in an attachment at the end of the article.
Cheers, Jane
Slightly dated, but useful?
Assessment and Screening Tools for Trauma in Children and Adolescents
A Review
http://www.ncmhjj.com/wp-conte...INAL-FORMATTED-1.pdf (September 2106)
https://del-public-files.s3-us...stems-7-12-final.pdf (Blodgett 2012 Working paper)
Thank you to all of you for helping with my search for information on screening tools used by schools to help identify children at risk of either already being a victim of trafficking/exploitation or being groomed. I realize school grounds are a minuscule venue for this activity, but I feel strongly that we have to do something. Rather than flailing around the barriers, just start somewhere.
Rhonda Hertwig
school nurse