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The most advanced is Safe Babies Courts or Early Childhood Courts. Mimi Graham runs the program.

She's Director of the Florida State University Center for Prevention & Early Intervention Policy.

She spearheaded adaptation of ZERO TO THREE’s Safe Babies Court model for Florida’s Early Childhood Court Initiative, which now has 22 judges educated about ACEs science and who are implementing trauma-informed practices in a therapeutic model. The Center also has a website with background and history β€” β€” about the courts and an 8 minute video that showcases the statewide initiative:

Here's a story about her β€”

Hi Kerry....

I'm just a person from a rural area who used to be a peds doc and put a lot of focus on this.   

I cannot state enough for the babies - Infant Mental Health.  I wish I could put an Infant Mental Health therapist in every early on service in the entire United States.   Many of these mothers have dissociation and they are going to need something that is pretty intensive like CPP or something to help them relate to the infant in a sensitive manner .... It's all really hard because it's all resource intensive (and prevention is best). 

For the Babies -ABC Mary Dozier  ( 

If you can find someone who could do it - I think that NMT assessment of  Dr. Bruce Perry, MD _ If you can find someone who can do the NMT assessment on the kids so that we can know what the kids actually need to catch up, that would be great.  My only problem in the rural area that I worked in was that we didn't have all the therapists needed who could provide the intense services that alot of these kids need.   

For the mothers - If you could find someone who really gets Trauma and Dissociation........... (even though it isn’t a DSM diagnosis - The adult manifestations of that complex those people in Boston call Developmental Trauma). 

What is available at Community Mental Health is usually psyche drugs and talk therapy and for complexly traumatized patients, that just does not work really well especially since a lot of these parents likely have significant developmental effects too.... Not even "TF-CBT. "     I think something that would be useful, if you can get it is NMT for adults too - Though finding the services that the mom's need is probably gonna be even more difficult than finding what you need for the kids.  

What I would not do, is think that general pediatricians know about child development.   I was at Bessel van der Kolk's conference a few years back and I asked Ed Tronick a question (He is the still face researcher).  The first thing he said to me was that "You pediatricians know nothing about child development."   He is beyond correct.  I have spent the last year reading everything I could find on child development and we really don't know anything about child development as it relates to trauma.   There are a few peds on ACEsConnection who have been in Dr Tronick's Infant Mental Health Program and they do know about child development but I was taught nothing in Medical School, Peds Residency or any CME since then.   

Good Luck......

Last edited by Former Member

Hi Kerry, Sounds like you are working on a big project to help children and families! We need that! Have you considered a Reflective Consultation? I have my PhD in clinical psychology with a Parent Infant Mental Health Specialization and taught child development at the college level 13 year prior to getting my PhD. Ed Tronic was one of my teachers.

In a very high poverty, rural and urban county we implemented a Reflective Consultation Project with parents and infant/toddler caregivers from the babies childcare programs. It was highly successful in providing some of the protective factors needed to build resilience. The best intervention for babies is supporting their Mama (& papas +caregivers). This process is very therapeutic and educational. I trained ECE professionals to be the Reflective Consultants, then I provided Supervision and support for them after they had regular meetings with parents and outside caregivers (could be any groups). This work is deeply rooted in trauma & resilience research and of course infant-parent mental health best practices. Let me know if you'd like to connect more about this. Sounds like you are doing amazing work! 


Thank you so much for sharing this information.  I will certainly look into Reflective Consultation.  We are seeking an approach to begin using within the next few months that is billable and serves parents with children aged 0 to 18 years in a day reporting program.  I agree whole heartedly that early intervention is the key to so many challenges facing families today and that we must do more to support our children who are affected by early adversity. 

For the people who were severely relationally traumatized especially for those where it began in the interpersonal relationship in infancy or young childhood - a massive amount of damage is often done and the only way to pull many of these people out of it, including the kids - is Neurofeedback.   

Last edited by Former Member

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