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I'm looking for research on the validity of the ACE screening tool or a modified ACE screener to use in our clinic. Also, we are wanting to screen all adult patients and then eventually want to start with pediatric patients. Regarding pediatrics, are there any data supporting a specific methodology? For instance, we were thinking of having parents complete it for birth to 11 and then having 12 to 17 year olds complete their own. Any research and/or thoughts on this is greatly appreciated! Thank you!


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Hi Jen, 

There is an ACEs quiz in The Deepest Well, Nadine Burke-Harris’s book. I am not sure if it could be adapted for kids, but wanted to share that tool. 



Partnership Director, Turnaround for Children

Hi, Jen:
Please find a link to our ACEs Surveys collection in our Resources Center. There are the original, adapted, and expanded surveys for your consideration.

Please also find a link to Dr. Ariane Marie-Mitchell's WCA (Whole Child Assessment) tool approved by CA which embed ACEs questions.

Please consider posting your Ask the Community in our ACEs in Pediatrics too.

In gratitude,

In Monroe County New York, we include all 10 ACES questions in the Youth Risk Behavior Survey for middle school and high school students.  They would be in the age range you are looking at. We do not modify the questions. 

Dear Jennifer,

In the Netherlands a national representative study was conducted, titled ‘I’ve already been through a lot’. In this study  664 11/12-year-old children in regular primary schools filled out a translated version of the ACE study questionnaire, with concrete and concise questions in order to create a child-friendly questionnaire.

Please find a link to our study and supplementary documents: 

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