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Historical Trauma Series

US Maternal Mortality is worse than you think

Why U.S. Maternal Mortality is WORSE Than You Think Homicide is the leading cause of maternal mortality, we just don't count it Jeremy Nay, AMERICAN INEQUALITY blog, March 5, 2025 Today’s article is about how America is dramatically under counting maternal mortality. This is because we fail to include the #1 cause of deaths for pregnant women and new mothers: homicide (usually associated with domestic violence). Homicide is the leading cause of maternal mortality Nationally, there were...

Marital Emotional Neglect/Abuse. The Damage it causes.

Emotional neglect. It’s a quiet relationship killer, slowly dimming the light between two people. Before you know it, you feel alone even when your partner is right there. I’ve been there. I remember that gnawing loneliness, the constant ache for a real emotional connection. It’s debilitating. My goal is to help anyone experiencing emotional neglect feel less alone. Consider this a safe space to find hope, gain clarity, and remember your worth. This comes from a place of empathy — not...

Cash support for custodial families is taken away

From THE CENTER ON BUDGET AND PRIORITIES Almost two-thirds of custodial families nationwide receive services from the federal child support program — nearly 8 million custodial parents and 13 million children . Child support can be a significant source of income for families struggling to make ends meet, helping them pay for children’s basic needs and other costs that often can only be met with cash, like housing, food, school supplies, and clothing. But families who are receiving or have...

Trauma Art and its Healing Powers PLUS

A special thank you to Lorilee Binstock for her publication and re-publication of my posts. In her online journal, Authentic Insider , she share a myriad of articles on trauma and its amelioration. Well worth perusing regularly. In her May issue, linked here, she shares an article I wrote (and illustrated) on trauma art and the many ways it leads to healing. I often do art when working with groups. See:...

New Resource on Social Determinants of Child Health and Accomplishment

Acevedo-Garcia, D., McArdle, N., Shafer, L., & Noelke, C. The State of Racial/Ethnic Equity in Children’s Neighborhood Opportunity: First Findings from the Child Opportunity Index 3.0. and Brandeis University. The Children’s Hospital Association (CHA) has integrated the Child Opportunity Index into its Pediatric Health Information System (PHIS), a vast...

Is "Bad Therapy" Harming Children?

Last month, Elon Musk endorsed “Bad Therapy,” a new book written by a reporter that places blame on mental health therapists and trauma-informed care as the cause of the children’s mental health crisis. The book proposes that children’s mental health professionals are taking advantage of their clients by intentionally keeping them in a therapy loop to make money. The author also posits that the trauma-informed movement is the catalyst of the children’s mental health crisis and is...

Federal HHS Equity Action Plan Advances Amid New Data on Discrimination by the Health Care Workforce

There's much to follow on the current health equity radar, from advancement of the HHS’s Equity Action Plan to concerning data validating the high incidence of discrimination by the health workforce toward patients. The onset of stress and vicarious trauma for staff witnessing these events was also identified. Each of these actions will provide pause to even the most seasoned health equity warrior.

Register now for Historical Trauma in the state of Hawaii & the U.S. Territories June 22nd, 2023!

Due to its popularity, PACEs Connection's Race & Equity Workgroup is continuing the “Historical Trauma in America Series”. This event examines historical trauma in the United States and its impact on American society in a series of virtual discussions. It is sponsored by St. David's Foundation . The series, which began in July 2021, highlights several regions within the United States and outlines how unresolved historical trauma has impacted every aspect of American life and directly...


By Michael Hiltzik, Los Angeles Times , April 28, 2023 Among the most heartfelt goals and proudest achievements of Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal was the eradication of child labor. In 1933, in signing a textile industry code that outlawed the employment of children under 16 in sweatshops, FDR crowed that “after years of fruitless effort and discussion, this ancient atrocity went out in a day.” Conservatives and Republicans, who have tried for decades to undo such cornerstones of the New Deal...

Historical Trauma in Hawaii and the U.S. Territories Event Recap

On May 19, 2022, PACEs Connection hosted the sixth event in our Historical Trauma in America series . The event was facilitated by PACEs Connection staff members Ingrid Cockhren (chief executive officer) and Donielle Prince (director of state initiatives and community organizing). Click here to download the slide deck from this presentation. Then click “download file.” Click here to download resources from this presentation. Then click “download file.” The series examines the impact of...

Historical Trauma in the American Southwest Event Recap

On March 17, 2022, PACEs Connection hosted our fifth event in our Historical Trauma in America series . The event was facilitated by PACEs Connection staff members Dana Brown (organizational liaison), Donielle Prince (director of state initiatives), John Dovales Flores (community arts consultant), and Natalie Audage (family and community resources lead). The event featured guest speaker Gabriel Nuñez-Soria, an educator, PhD Student, and Director of the Trauma-Resilient Educational...

Historical Trauma in the American Northwest Event Recap

On January 20, 2022, PACEs Connection hosted the fourth event in our Historical Trauma in America series . The event was facilitated by PACEs Connection staff members Dana Brown (organizational liaison), Donielle Prince (director of state initiatives), John Dovales Flores (California central valley, central coast community facilitator), and Natalie Audage (family and community resources lead). The event featured Dr. Valerie Ooka Pang, a Japanese American professor and author from San Diego...

Historical Trauma in the American Midwest Event Recap

On September 16, 2021, PACEs Connection hosted our second event in our Historical Trauma in America series . This event was led by Ingrid Cockhren, the director of the PACEs Connection Cooperative of Communities; and Porter Jennings-McGarity, our community facilitator of the Midwest Region. It featured guest speaker Agnes Woodward who is Plains Cree from Kawacatoose First Nation, Saskatchewan, Canada. To download the slide deck from this presentation, click here. Then click "download file".

PACEs Connection’s “Historical Trauma in the American South” surprises, dismays participants

Over 250 people from around the United States participated in “Historical Trauma in the American South” on July 15, 2021, the first of six events in PACEs Connections’ Historical Trauma in America Series that examines the impact of intergenerational trauma on the health and well-being of individuals today. Historical trauma—another term for intergenerational trauma—is defined by Dr. Maria Yellow Horse Brave Heart as multigenerational trauma experienced by a specific cultural group resulting...

Think you know something about historical trauma? PACEs Connection's 'Historical Trauma in America' series promises to be an eye-opener

The murder of George Floyd in May 2020 unleashed hundreds of articles, books, podcasts, film and online documentaries. It’s not that the roots of racism and inequity in historical trauma hadn’t been known about or written about previous to his death (Frederick Douglas, James Baldwin, anyone?), but the pressures of hundreds of years of injustice began a near explosive untangling from the massive twisted and angry knot they’d formed over generations. It’s been like cutting through a gargantuan...

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