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2 of 3 Americans OK With Doctors Discussing Gun Safety []


A large majority of American adults thinks it's OK for doctors to discuss gun safety with their patients, a new study reveals.

The online survey included more than 3,900 respondents. The researchers found that 66 percent said it was at least sometimes appropriate for doctors to talk about guns with patients.

Twenty-three percent said it was always appropriate for doctors to talk to patients about guns, 14 percent said it was usually appropriate, and 30 percent said it was sometimes appropriate, the survey found.

Seventy percent of people who didn't own guns said such discussions were at least sometimes appropriate. Only 54 percent of gun owners thought such discussions were at least sometimes OK, the study authors found.

The study, led by Dr. Marian Betz of the University of Colorado School of Medicine, was published July 25 in the Annals of Internal Medicine.

[For more of this story go to]

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The odds of a doctor discussing stress with a patient according to a JAMA study I bookmarked, are 3%. The reason is according to a different study, is that they don't feel adequate to address it. What makes anyone think they'll feel adequate addressing gun safety? Especially since in their profession, which in some places rank them highest among any to commit suicide. They won't got there. 

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