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A Better Normal- Education Upended 2/25 at 4pm PST


Hi education disrupters!  We will be meeting every 2nd and 4th Thursday at a NEW TIME, 4pm PST. We are going to try this new time through April in the hopes of allowing more teachers and administrators to attend so please share!

Each week our discussion will explore the following: How do we create physical and psychological safety, especially in the face of so much uncertainty? What strategies can we use to create a culture of collective care? How do we implement peer support structures for youth AND adults? What might school look like with an emphasis on student and adult well-being? How do we manage the transition while acknowledging our collective grief and trauma?

Most sessions are available on the ACEsConnection website and YouTube channel. Zoom meeting info below.

Lara Kain, ACEs In Education community manager for ACEs Connection, will lead the discussion along with other special guests and co-hosts.

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All these questions are very important, and students need to know more about the future structure of education, and the opportunities they will have. I`m going to enter a university, and I need to prepare for it, I found a nice personal statement service, that helped me with writing my main paper, and made a big contribution to my future education.

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