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A Dose Of Culinary Medicine Sends Med Students To The Kitchen []



When it comes to premature death and disease, what we eat ranks as the single most important factor, according to a studyin JAMA, the Journal of the American Medical Association. Yet few doctors say they feel properly trained to dispense dietary advice. One group, at least, is trying to fill that knowledge gap.

In a bustling kitchen at one of Chicago's top cooking schools, a student cracks an egg into a wide, stainless steel bowl. But he's not an aspiring chef. His name is Emmanuel Quaidoo, and he's a first-year medical student. Quaidoo is working on a spinach and feta frittata, one of the healthy breakfast alternatives he has learned to make.

Quaidoo and about a dozen of his University of Chicago classmates are here on a stormy spring night taking a culinary nutrition class they won't even get credit for.


[For more of this story, written by Monica Eng, go to]


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