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A gift of insight & encouragement -- Access 2 conference presentations on system change


Two of the big challenges facing people striving to reduce childhood trauma are the difficulties of addressing Social Determinants/Drivers of Health (SDoH) and the entrenched systems (like that child welfare system) that are often sources of toxic stress and inequity.

In the October online conference put on by the Kempe Center, entitled "A Call to Action to Change Child Welfare," I co-presented with two clients who have made inspiring progress in addressing those challenges.  You can now access both of those presentations (about an hour each) or you can view the 5-minute "trailer videos" to get a quick overview.

Restoring Hope through Child Welfare transformation: Techniques and Tools for Smart Justice

Access Recording           See the 5-minute Trailer video

In 2015, Arkansas had a child welfare system that was overextended and in crisis.  Restore Hope was launched to lead a Collective Impact strategy to engage communities in working together to address these issues.  With an emphasis on strengthening families, understanding trauma, and adopting a systems thinking approach to strategy, they began the journey of child welfare system transformation and a innovative strategy to address Social Driver of Health and safety.

What started as a hope to mobilize and align community organizations to help 100 families move from crisis to careers has grown to help thousands of families stay safely together or be successfully reunited. This inspiring example of system change also introduces a collaborative case management platform that being adopted in counties across Arkansas and beyond.

Presenters:     Paul Chapman and Karen Phillips of Restore Hope.
                         Bill Barberg, InsightFormation, Inc.

Reimagining the Family Justice System in Canada: A Case Study of Strategy Management at Scale

Access Recording         See the 5-minute trailer video

For people seeking to change the child welfare system in the U.S., it is encouraging to see that a growing coalition in Alberta, Canada is making inspiring progress on transforming the family justice system in their province and indeed across the country.  Diana Lowe, a founding convenor of the coalition, will share how the adoption of techniques for strategy mapping, alignment, strategic measurement, and the use of supporting technologies is enabling them to make transformational changes in entrenched systems.

The session will share techniques and tools that are increasingly being featured (along with this case study) at national and global conferences and in peer-reviewed articles.

Presenters:        Diana Lowe, Reimagining Family Justice
                             Bill Barberg, InsightFormation, Inc.

I know it can be hard to just randomly find time to watch a conference recording, so I encourage you to take a few minutes now to look at your calendar and schedule two different 1-hour sessions and make an appointment to watch those sessions.

After watching those presentations, if you want to learn more by watching the recording of the October 30th follow-on webinar, you can access that here.

There will also be a live Webinar on November 14 where the presenters will go into more details about the ways they support clients in this journey.

Click to learn more and register:

We recommend that you watch at least one of the recordings prior to this webinar so you can see the power and value of the things that will be discussed in the webinar on the 14th. These strategies, techniques and tools are designed to help communities and economically disadvantaged families move out of crisis to stability and on to flourishing.

Bill Barberg
President of InsightFormation, Inc.
Founder of the Population Health Learning Collaborative

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