ACEs or Adverse Childhood Experiences impact thousands of children in Mississippi each year
Adverse Childhood Experiences that lead to trauma is the focus of a local foundation that is working throughout the state especially the Mississippi Delta.
The Glenn Family Foundation named for the founders’ parents, and the ACEs Awareness Foundation are also working to help children and families facing trauma dealing with the challenges of COVID-19.

The experience with trauma can begin early with children and have lasting implications they carry into adulthood. From poverty, to hunger, violence and mental health issues. They are called ACEs, Adverse Childhood Experiences.
Dr. Helen Beady, Secretary for the ACEs Awareness Foundation said, “we know that when we look at ACEs and trauma we’re not only talking about children who are being impacted in terms of their performance, school performance, but we’re talking about workers who are actually on payrolls for employers.”
Dr. Clyde Glenn is a psychiatrist and President of the ACEs Awareness Foundation of Mississippi. He and his siblings including Dr. Helen Beady are working to inform communities about toxic stress, emotional trauma and their impact on health. COVID-19 has resulted in more problems, especially with the closing of schools.
Dr. Glenn said, "grief issues, additional health issues that individuals are experiencing. A number of children have asthma, that asthma potentially exacerbated by COVID."
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