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Anger overlooked as feature of postnatal mood disorders []


Women in the postpartum period should be screened for anger in addition to depression and anxiety, new research from the University of British Columbia suggests.

Although anger has been recognized as an element of postpartum mood problems for some women, it has not been well studied and is not included in the widely used Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale screening tool. In a review of existing research, UBC nursing PhD student Christine Ou found anger to be a significant feature in postpartum mood disturbances.

"We know that mothers can be depressed and anxious in the postpartum period, but researchers haven't really paid attention to anger," said Ou. "There's some evidence that indicates that being both angry and depressed worsens the intensity and length of depression. That can have many negative effects on the mother, child and family, and on the relationship between parents."

[For more on this study by University of British Columbia, go to]

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