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App Helps Fearful Trafficking Victims Open Up To Police []



 It was while traveling in Thailand after graduating from college that Duane Dunston became aware of modern-day slavery, through local press reports of families selling their children and women forced into sex work.

"The issue of human trafficking really stuck with me when I got back to the United States," said Dunston, who embarked on a career in computing after a degree in sociology.

Later, as a cyber security professor, he decided to use his expertise to help law enforcement agencies communicate with victims of slavery - by creating an app.

The app "You Have a Voice" is designed to enable victims to describe the nature of their enslavement or exploitation in their native language by answering a series of questions.

Answering sensitive questions by using the app rather than speaking directly to officers could reduce the shame and fear that often stops victims from speaking out, and help police to arrest traffickers and save other victims, said Dunston, who became a professor at Champlain College in Vermont, USA.


[For more of this story, written by Kieran Guilbert, go to]


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