It’s hard to believe it has almost been a year since Number Story launched.
What a year it’s been! Thanks to your contribution, our partners, and our team, we’ve been able to raise awareness of Adverse Childhood Experience (ACEs), how common they are, and their potential effects. And our work is just beginning. As we move into what promises to be an exciting year, I want to share highlights from 2021 and give you a peek at what's ahead.

We listened, learned, and spread the word.
Number Story launched in May 2021 as both a campaign and a website. We partnered with celebrities, organizations, and leaders in a multi-channel campaign that hit nearly two billion impressions. Number Story was featured in major media outlets like Billboard and the Washington Post, and in 47,000 doctors’ offices across California. With engaging, easy to understand language and a deep well of resources, Number Story sparked thousands of conversations and introduced the general public to new concepts, terms, and language.
Dr. Nadine Burke Harris + Oprah Winfrey (wow!); John Legend talks about ACEs for the Number Story launch; Grammy-nominated singer-songwriter Camila Cabello talks with Dr. Burke Harris about becoming aware of childhood adversity.
We brought the message to communities.
We shared the Number Story message in a nationwide outdoor media campaign, via ice cream sandwiches in Times Square, and through local initiatives like our Don't Judge a Book By Its Cover event in Compton, California with LeVar Burton.
Ice cream sandwiches in Times Square; Number Story on the Big Screen in Times Square; Sarah chats with LeVar Burton about his book, The Rhino Who Swallowed a Storm.
We amplified young people's stories.
We partnered with Get Lit, a Los Angeles-based arts education nonprofit, to give voice to five talented high school poets, introduced by celebrities they admire. Check out these videos, where these young artists share original works about their experiences with childhood adversity and healing.
Listen to these young people's stories.
New partnership and resource!
We've teamed up with the American Society for the Positive Care of Children to help parents and caregivers understand, prevent, and heal from ACEs. Explore the toolkit - designed for caregivers to support the development and positive parenting of babies and children ages 0 to 5.
Join us for a one-hour learning session for parents and caregivers on April 21 to explore:
- why it's important to understand our childhood adversity and trauma,
- how our own childhoods can affect our children's well-being,
- and how to heal, and help give our kids a strong start.
Want to share these resources with your network? We are all about building community! Here are social amplification assets.
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