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As Covid-19 Spreads, Different Communities See Different Challenges []


By Dante Chinni, American Communities Project, April 9, 2020

The Covid-19 pandemic is spreading across the United States in an uneven way that offers unique insights when viewed through the prism of the American Communities Project. For many Big Cities, the worst is here now. For the rural Aging Farmlands, the worst is likely still to come.

And differences in medical resources in various county types suggest the coming months could bring serious challenges to some communities as the virus moves across the country into different ACP communities. The types are laid out on the map below.

Up to now, stories about the coronavirus have focused on big urban areas and for good reason. As of Monday, the seven counties with the largest numbers of confirmed cases were all in the New York City metro area (four of the five Big City counties in the city and three adjacent Urban Suburbs). But just after those counties were Cook in Illinois (Big City home of Chicago), Wayne in Michigan (Big City home of Detroit), Bergen in New Jersey (Urban Suburb of New York), and Big City Los Angeles.

[Please click here to read more.]

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