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Back to School With Heart []

"Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all." -- Aristotle

Back to school has a different meaning for parents with children who have learning differences or behavioral challenges. For this group of parents, the usual to-do list of back-to-school shopping and signing up for soccer is often trumped by concerns about academic success, advocating for extra support or tutoring, academic probation and, in some cases, fear around detention and suspension.

For me as a mom, the beginning of each school year is fraught with anxiety and concern. My son's academic journey has been filled with challenges, starting with his most difficult year in kindergarten. As eighth grade begins, we finally have a clear picture of his educational needs, thanks to recent educational testing. With a master's degree in education, experience running a non-profit for children's neurodevelopment and a supportive school team for my son, I should be able to handle this yet I am still anxious and overwhelmed with the daunting task of advocating for him.


[For more of this story, written by Janine Francolini, go to]

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