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Black Babies Twice As Likely As White Babies To Die Before Age 1 []



Black babies are two times as likely to die before they reach their first birthday than white babies. That's just one of the startling facts in Priska Neely's reporting on a gap in birth outcomes that has persisted for years. Poverty, education, health care access are all factors. But now research is focused on the role of racism in these statistics. It's simply a chronically stressful condition to be a black woman in the United States. Priska Neely is the senior early childhood reporter at our member station KPCC, which is where she's joining us from today. Hey, Priska.

PRISKA NEELY, BYLINE: Hey, Lulu. Great to be here.

GARCIA-NAVARRO: Can you lay out the scope of the problem?

[For more on this story by PRISKA NEELY, go to]

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