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Lifelong health is determined by more than just our genes: experiences at sensitive periods of development change the brain in ways that increase or decrease risk for later physical and mental illness, including addiction. That finding is the premise of the Brain Story, which puts scientific concepts into a narrative that is salient to both expert and non-expert audiences. The Brain Story synthesizes decades of research and reflects a body of knowledge that experts agree is useful for policy makers and citizens to understand.

The Alberta Family Wellness Initiative has developed two online courses to make Brain Story science available to professionals and the public. One course is available now. The second, more basic course will be available in 2017.

[For more of this story go to]

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A little more information about this course: it contains around 30 hours of instruction, most of it in the form of video from 39 leading researchers on ACEs, early brain development and adult health including addiction and other mental illnesses (experts include, for example, Drs. Robert Anda and Vincent Felitti who conducted the original ACEs research). The course is eligible for accreditation from numerous professional bodies in Canada (spanning medicine, psychology, social work and pharmacy) and is likely eligible for credits in other jurisdictions as well. The course is free and open to all (whether or not you seek certification or accreditation), so everyone is encouraged to enroll and to share with friends and colleagues. 

Last edited by Geoff McKenzie
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