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Bringing meals to people with food insecurity may deliver savings to the healthcare system []


Imagine you are the tightfisted potentate of a small republic, plotting the least expensive way to care for subjects in fragile health who depend on your beneficence.

You could watch while your subjects who are elderly or disabled (or both) scramble to find and pay for healthy meals. And you could open your checkbook each time one of these subjects lapses into a health crisis that calls for a trip to a hospital's emergency department in an ambulance.

But you might just try feeding these needy subjects instead.

A study conducted in Massachusetts suggests that making regular deliveries of meals to people who were deemed "food insecure" drove down their use of costly medical services such as emergency department visits, ambulance calls and, in some cases, hospital admissions.

[For more on this story by MELISSA HEALY, go to]

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