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Brothers and sisters learn to build positive relationships in SIBS Program

"Little is known about how sibling relationships impact child and family functioning, but Penn State researchers are beginning to shed light on intervention strategies that can cultivate healthy and supportive sibling relationships.

"Parents frequently rank their children's sibling rivalry and conflict as the number one problem they face in family life.

"In some other cultures, the roles of older and younger, male and female siblings are better defined, and in those more-structured family relationships, there is not much room for bullying and disrespect," said Mark Feinberg, research professor in the Prevention

"Research Center for the Promotion of Human Development. "In the United States, and Western culture more generally, there are few guidelines for parents about how to reduce sibling conflict and enhance bonding and solidarity among siblings....

"The SIBlings are Special (SIBS) Program, started by Feinberg and Susan McHale, professor of human development and family studies, addresses relationships between brothers and sisters, which are critical for learning the life skills that can strengthen a child's development...."

Feinberg, et al. (2013). "Siblings Are Special: Initial Test of a New Approach for Preventing Youth Behavior Problems." Journal of Adolescent Health. Abstract.

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