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Childhood Trauma Impacting Us As Adults []


Divorce, neglect, emotional or physical abuse, poverty, all instances of Adverse Childhood Experiences, or ACE.

It is a term defined by the CDC and linked not only to trauma as a child, but profound effects on your health and well-being as an adult.

Experts also say it further indication we need to be mindful of the situations we are creating for our children, not only for their benefit and care now, but for their future.

"The research again culminated in an awareness that trauma visited upon us when we are young is not forgotten, it has long lasting effects," Elain Johannes, associate professor at Kansas State University said. 

Johannes says that in addition to potential physical health related problems such as heart disease, diabetes and obesity stemming from aces, adults can have difficulty developing and maintaining healthy relationships, both at home and at the workplace too.

[For more of this story, written by Connor Giampietri,go to]

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