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City Voices Interview with Jessica Nathanson


City Voices Interview with Jessica Nathanson
I hope I can help others by sharing how I freed myself from a de-humanizing, non-relational non-dual paradigm and offering an alternative to liberation through self-negation. I hope to experience "divine immanence" together, when the spiritual is the material and vice versa, and holiness radiates from everything nihilistic paths degrade. Something extraordinary happens when we aren't focused on collapsing form into emptiness, but plugging our senses into the evolution of formlessness flourishing as form, and how our reality has always been Being becoming. A third thing that emerges when opposites like oneness and separateness co-arise, and a shared revelation of being expressions of a universe that didn't come this far to simply dissolve back into it's origin, but to experience itself and love itself as human.
So many of us aren't aware (I was not!) that there are non-dual paths that don't begin where you end, and which show you how precious all of you is, including your personal self which isn't non-existent, but a real part of the greater whole of what you are, a whole that has a hole in it when you remove yourself from the picture. There are non-dual paths that reveal how our bodies, minds, souls are not illusions to overcome, but are manifestations whatever words you use for god. Paths that reveal how oneness has nothing to do with your non-existence as a person, and that since it's based on relationship, it has everything to do with your individual, "personal plus" presence. Yes, it relies on you and me being both separate and one at the same time. This is the wholeness that excludes nothing , instead holding more, not getting rid of "the ego" but healing unhealthy patterns and tending to the wounds that limit us with self-compassion. We become more inspired to turn towards them when we recognize our painful emotions as parts of god's humanity, and god itself! When it comes to suffering, when we experience divine immanence, we know that our suffering is simultaneously gods suffering, and we want to embrace it in love, knowing that whenever we reject parts of ourselves, we simultaneously reject elements of god. Paths on which we don't look through form to see its true nature, because we look right at its true nature as formlessness enformed.

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