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Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD) and Men: The Ignored Problem


February 22, 2021

With the advent of the #MeToo movement, the public has been forced to examine the horrific tragedy of women suffering at the hands of sexual predators. We have learned through marches and very public testimony of the damage women receive when their boundaries and dignity as human beings is violated.

However, there is another group of people who, because of societal restraints, suffer the same fate, only in silence. That group consists of men.

In a study published by Muenzenmaier,, men were interviewed to see what types of child abuse they had experienced and found:

  • 9% experienced physical abuse
  • 9% experienced sexual abuse
  • 4% witnessed sexual abuse
  • 35% witnessed physical abuse

Men are not stoic stones that do not waver and cannot be harmed. If someone like this family member states he gets suicidal when going to work due to his trauma history, he should receive the same consideration and care as a woman would.

As one can see, men are not invulnerable.

In this series of articles, we shall examine together male victims of sexual violence, how complex post-traumatic stress disorder affects men, and how society conspires against men getting help and healing. The information about to be presented is statistic heavy, but it helps to see the scope of the problem and how desperately we need to remedy it.

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The issue of male survivors of sexual assault is also lacking in programming and case-finding. Further complicating service provision is the societal role prescription mentioned in the article of male toughness, which can be challenged by admitting being a survivor of sexual assault. The following article demonstrates a tragic consequence of one of the major signs of sexual trauma, avoidance. <trigger warning>

Former University of Michigan football player with terminal cancer files lawsuit in doctor sexual abuse case

If anyone has any resources (references, case histories, etc.), could you please share them here. Some colleagues and I are in the process of program development for this group.

Several programs to suggest:

-  Exploring Trauma: A Brief Intervention for Men

-  A Young Man's Guide to Self-Mastery

Helping Men Recover (note that focus is substance use disorders, and trauma is also a focal point)

You can find more info at

The issue of male survivors of sexual assault is also lacking in programming and case-finding. Further complicating service provision is the societal role prescription mentioned in the article of male toughness, which can be challenged by admitting being a survivor of sexual assault. The following article demonstrates a tragic consequence of one of the major signs of sexual trauma, avoidance. <trigger warning>

Former University of Michigan football player with terminal cancer files lawsuit in doctor sexual abuse case

If anyone has any resources (references, case histories, etc.), could you please share them here. Some colleagues and I are in the process of program development for this group.

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