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Congress Moves To Tackle Heroin, Prescription Drug Epidemic []


What is being done to fight heroin and prescription drug abuse in hard-hit states like New Hampshire? What can Congress do to help? Lawmakers tackle the issue.


The abuse of heroin and prescription drugs is an issue that's not only getting the attention of politicians who are campaigning. It's also led to a rare moment of bipartisan cohesion in Congress. NPR's Ailsa Chang reports that the Senate Judiciary Committee has zeroed in on how lawmakers might be able to respond.

AILSA CHANG, BYLINE: There are few problems Congress has to deal with that cut so indiscriminately across income levels, age groups, race and state lines, which is why the political will to act now cuts across party lines. Democrat Dick Durbin of Illinois says drug abuse in this country has a new face.

[For more of this story go to]

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