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Details On Death Certificates Offer Layers Of Clues To Opioid Epidemic []


Dr. James Gill walked through the morgue in Farmington, Conn., recently, past the dock where the bodies come in, past the tissue donations area, and stopped outside the autopsy room.

"We kind of have a typical board listing all of the decedents for the day," Gill said, pointing to the list of names on a dry-erase board. "Overdose, overdose, overdose, overdose, overdose. That's just for today."

Gill is the chief medical examiner for the state of Connecticut, and of the nine bodies in his custody that day, four were the remains of the people who likely died from an accidental drug overdose. A fifth was a probable suicide involving drugs. It was a sad but typical day, he explained, with a practical consequence for the state's morgue: Gill is running out of room to store bodies.

[For more of this story, written by Jeff Cohen, go to]

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