Social worker and PACEs Connection supporter Becky Green hiking with her partner, Kerry Toner (l) and good friend Paul Gerlitz (r).
The number of donors giving to PACEs Connection with a monthly gift is increasing.
“While we’ve added about 16 new monthly donors recently, and we are grateful for them, it would be good to see more of our members -- and visitors -- supporting our work to prevent and heal trauma," said Ingrid Cockhren, PACEs Connection CEO.
With more than 58,000 members of this networking community, and with the staff needed to support the site, the communities, the newsletters, our podcasts, webinars, and conferences, Cockhren is asking members to sign on right now to make a monthly donation.
"If just ten percent of you made an automatic monthly donation of $10, you could help us cover a substantial portion of our budget," said Cockhren.
If you would like to be featured as a monthly donor, please send an email to Carey Sipp, director of strategic partnerships, with "Donor Spotlight" in the subject line to answer the 15 questions and let your fellow community members know more about you, how you use PACEs Connection, why you support the work.
Please consider following in the footsteps of social worker and supporter Becky Green, who shares below her reasons for making her monthly gift to PACEs Connection.
- Name:Becky Green
- Occupation:I'm a social worker by training, my current role is Director of Trauma Informed Care and Integrated Services for an outpatient behavioral health organization called South Shore Guidance Center in Freeport, NY.
- Connection to PACEs Connection/PACEs science?I'm a student of PACEs science, I relate to it personally and use PACEs Connection as a key source of information in my work.
- Do you work in the field?Yes! I have the amazing privilege of helping an outpatient behavioral health organization become more trauma-informed, using PACEs science.
- How did you find out about PACEs Connection?I stumbled across the ACES study around 10 years ago, and immediately was blown away by the science linking psychological trauma to physical health outcomes. At the time, I was giving trauma-informed care trainings to a variety of audiences, including medical providers and students, and I knew how important it was for those audiences to understand the science. I would often refer folks to the ACES Too High website for more resources, and then discovered PACEs Connection through that resource.
- Were you surprised to find this resource?I'll say yes, simply because it is such a gift that this incredible resource freely exists.
- What part of PACEs Connection do you like best?The Resource Center is my go-to.
- How do you use PACEs Connection?I use PACEs Connection to stay current on trauma-related research, trainings, content, etc. I often will visit the Resource Center (my favorite section) when I'm putting together a training or updating our internal trauma-informed care resource directory.
- Do you read the Weekly RoundUp?Yes!
- Do you share stories from the Weekly RoundUp?Yes, I'll often forward specific stories or articles from the Weekly RoundUp to our staff.
- Do you belong to a resiliency initiative?I joined several of the PACEs Connection communities when I first started in my role (like Books! Educational Videos! Documentaries! and others) but admittedly, am not as active as I would like to be in those spaces. I'm not a big social media person in general, so I tend to use other aspects of PACEs Connection more.
- What prompted you to support PACEs Connection with your monthly gifts?I think PACEs science is so incredibly vital to so many areas, and PACEs Connection does such a good job as reliable clearinghouse of information and connection.
- What keeps you giving as a monthly donor? If I can play a small part to support such vital work, I am in.
- What would you tell others, to encourage them to support PACEs Connection on a monthly basis? Imagine if we lived in a world where we all truly understood the connections between the adverse experiences we have as children and lives we lead as adults...imagine if we lived in a world where we had adequate resources to support children and their families to prevent or minimize those ACES, and also to support adults in truly healing from them...imagine if the systems that shape our lives (schools, healthcare, social services, etc) were trauma-informed...this is the work that the PACEs Connection does, but only with our support.
- What is your greatest hope for what happens with PACEs science? That we end child abuse? Create equity? Eliminate racism? Do away with poverty? Create a trauma-informed and healing-centered planet?Oof. That is a hard question, PACEs science has the ability to positively influence so many things wrong with our world. Yes to all the examples named and a million others.
Green encourages fellow members of PACEs Connection to join her in making a generous, tax-deductible donation to PACEs Connection here.

Make check payable to:
TSNE (Third Sector New England, our fiscal sponsor) and write PACEs Connection Donation on the memo line.
Mail check to:
PACEs Connection, c/o TSNE, 89 South Street, Suite 700, Boston, MA 02111

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