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Extra love and support doesn't make up for being a helicopter parent []



It's time for helicopter parents to land and stay grounded.


New research by professors at Brigham Young University revealed that parental warmth cannot neutralize the consequences of . Additionally, a lack of warmth makes the negative effects worse.

Such negative effects include lower self-worth and higher risk behavior, such as binge drinking.

"From our past work, we thought there might be something positive about helicopter parenting under certain conditions, but we're just not finding it," study author Larry Nelson said.

The study, published in Emerging Adulthood, is a follow-up to 2012 research on helicopter parenting that found the children of helicopter parents are less engaged in school. Now they've found that helicopter parenting combined with an absence of parental warmth is especially detrimental to young adults' well-being.


[For more of this story go to]


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