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Family Preservation -- A New Link

Preventing Foster Care Placement -- The Missing Link Is Finding Your Hidden Door

I have successfully linked mothers and fathers with their kids and helped new mothers keep their kids when they are born ... and even helped grandparents return to being big parts of their grandkids' lives. The impact of drug use and untreated mental illness span generations and, unfortunately, contribute to the need for many children to be placed in foster care. So, it only stands to reason, that parents who experienced trauma when young will experience difficulty providing stable environments for their own children.

So, what are we doing to address the trauma? What are we doing to make it possible for the new parents to stop the cycle of trauma? What are we really doing to prevent a new foster care generation?

There are many organizations working hard to support families to prevent the need for children to be further traumatized by being placed in foster care settings. but there is a missing link ... a critical component that could be added which would undoubtedly improve outcomes and save many families.

The Cognitive Confrontation Intervention I developed frees the parent from the memories of trauma and allows them to grow. They, in turn, are much better able to stop drug use, use mental health treatment, return to work, and achieve stable lives ... for themselves and their children.

I am seeking groups who are open to a new idea in treatment to improve family preservation. Let me know your ideas:

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