"Dads who don't live with their sons still can influence them away from risky behaviors, even if they reside in communities of high crime and poverty.
"New research from the University of Michigan School of Public Health measured the impact of a federally funded program called Fathers and Sons, which strives to improve the parenting confidence and skills of nonresident fathers and prevent youth violent behaviors....
"The Fathers and Sons program particularly focuses on younger boys at ages when they are still attached to family and prior to them engaging in actual violent behaviors, Caldwell said.
"It is the child who is already engaging in very negative behaviors that most programs focus on, rather than on low risk youth," she said. "We are one of few studies from an intervention perspective that has taken a strengths-based approach to involving nonresident fathers specifically in their sons' lives to prevent youth violence in high risk communities.
"This type of research led us to believe that many nonresident African American fathers are viable, yet untapped resources for their sons."
See also:
Michigan Youth Violence Prevention Center
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