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FREE WEBINAR: Addiction in the Family


When there is alcohol or substance-abuse in the family, it is often a central theme around which the entire family is organized. Yet for the most part, treatment is just with the individual and does not actively involve the entire family. This free webinar by Dr. Sells is for professionals who want concrete tools to bridge the gap from individual to family trauma treatment for substance-abuse issues. Case examples and handouts will be provided.

DATE: Wednesday, November 16

TIME: 12 - 1 pm EST


Join Dr. Scott Sells to learn:

  • Why substance abuse is often treated individually and without family therapy. And why a both/and approach is needed.
  • How to help family members discover in a non-blaming and non- shaming way the root causes through FST Feedback loops that are causing and maintaining the substance abuse dance between family members.
  • Several clips from famous movies will illustrate this substance-abuse dance amongst the family and the implications of not involving the entire family will be highlighted.
  • Intensive Q & A with Dr. Sells will follow this discussion.

The webinar is from 12 - 1 pm EST and does NOT offer continuing education or attendance certificates.

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