This is a love-offering from a highly trained trauma-coach, healer, and activist Victor Lee Lewis. (See Links below)
My friend, mentor and colleague of 18 years, Victor Lee Lewis is offering a 90 minute online training for "Rapid Pain Relief" for individuals and healing professionals. The modality is called Emotional Freedom Technique (or tapping). He describes it as a highly effective, portable, simple way of activating one's own acupuncture meridians for rapid relief with gentle tapping of the fingertips. This simple method is super easy to learn and has a thousand adaptations. In this intro he focuses on pain. But even if you don't think you have chronic pain, it's worth tuning in.
I personally have found EFT helpful for lessening and/or erasing physical pain and other problematic physical symptoms, reducing emotional stress *significantly*, re-wiring deeply grooved emotional reactions, de-charging after significantly stressful or upsetting events, decreasing my sensitivity to food and environmental allergens, and much, much more.
I have used this technique when I have been literally housebound with pain and illness and could not even get out of the house to see a doctor, professional healer or body worker! So if you are housebound, bed-bound, toilet-bound, stuck at home and stressed out with kids, or just in too much pain (or stress) to figure out how to help yourself, this is the ONE tool I would recommend to you. Use EFT for a few minutes to get yourself to a better place, fast.
This 90-minute intro is a crazy cheap "love-funded" seminar that Victor practically gives away periodically just to get these tools in the hands of suffering people. He is an activist and healer with human liberation at the core of everything he does. He is just darn *good people* and a wonderful teacher of this trauma-informed, resilience-building modality.
I recommend anyone I know and love sign up for this 90 minutes with Victor. And if you find you just can't stand not going deeper with EFT after Thursday's 90 minute seminar, you will be relieved to know that he is also offering a full day workshop here in Berkeley THIS Saturday. I will link to that workshop too, in case you know you want to sign up for both.
Trust me, friends. I *know* pain. And I know what few things to rely on when "nothing else" works.
Angela Jernigan

A 90-minute Live Videoconference, offered at TWO DIFFERENT TIMES:
*12:00 to 1:30pm
*6:30 to 8:00pm,
(audio/video recording available after the event.)
I love working with licensed caregivers and mental health clinicians because they don't usually have the luxury to explore cutting edge modalities the way allied health care professionals outside the establishment can. If that is you, let me show you what I have learned.
In this introductory seminar you will learn the basics of Emotional Freedom Techniques, or, EFT “tapping,” and how to start using it right away to get relief from physical pain and related emotional issues. Your presenter, yours truly, is an EFT trainer with more than 18 years EFT experience and know-how with this modalit. In his teaching and coaching practice, Victor has helped people suffering from fibromyalgia, arthritis, whiplash, undiagnosed nerve syndromes, surgical and other kinds of medical trauma, and more. By the end of the workshop, participants will take away a simple tool that they can continue to use safely and effectively, and a deepened respect for the self-healing resources of the body.
EFT may be thought of as an advanced needle-free form of acupuncture for the emotions that allows us to turbocharge our resources of self-regulating, self-healing and self-discovery. “Tapping” acts directly to heal and neutralize the reactivity of the nervous system, enabling you to achieve fast relief from both physical and emotional pain symptoms. Victor will provide an introduction to the science behind EFT, explain its range of applications, conduct live demonstrations with participant volunteers, and give participants the opportunity to do EFT with professional supervision, and get answers to questions.
To register: send an email with "Sign me up for EFT Rapid Pain Relief Seminar" in the SUBJECT heading. A confirmation email will be sent to you with login instructions.
*Suggested donation: $10-30. Every bit helps. Thank you.
Victor Lee Lewis, M.A., is the Founder and Director of the Radical Resilience Training Institute, and Radical Resilience Coaching and Consulting. He is veteran and thought-leader in the world of social justice education with more than 30 years of experience in the fi emerging field. He is most well-known for his leadership role in the award-winning race relations documentary, The Color of Fear. He is an EFT Expert Practitioner/Trainer, and NLP Master Practitioner/Trainer, a hypnotherapist, and third-year student in Peter Levine's Somatic Experiencing.
To donate by credit card or PayPal click here:
To donate by Venmo: send to: “victorleelewis.”

presented by Victor Lee Lewis, MA
EFT Trainer, Social Justice Educator
This work is fueled by love.
Suggested Donation: $50-150* All are welcome, regardless of financial ability. Physical space is limited, so pre-registration is required.
In 2010 I started an irregular tradition of offering a love offering supported EFT retreat during the year-end holiday season.. This year I am offering my 5th such holiday workshop It will be the first on that I do that will not fall on the Thanksgrieving weekend. EFT is the most powerful, easy to learn healing and learning aid that I have ever encountered. When I feel most generous, EFT is what I most want to give, because it can change your life. Well, you can change your own life with what you can do using EFT that other practices can't touch.
EFT may be thought of as an advanced needle-free form of acupuncture for the emotions that allows us to turbocharge our resources of self-regulating, self-healing and self-discovery. “Tapping” acts directly to heal and neutralize the reactivity of the nervous system, enabling you to achieve fast relief from both physical and emotional pain symptoms.
In this daylong course, I will explain the compelling science behind EFT's unusual effectiveness, speak to its range of applications, conduct live demonstrations with participant volunteers, and give participants the opportunity to practice EFT with professional supervision, and get answers to questions.
Topics covered will include:
*EFT for emotional issues
*EFT for physical issues
*EFT for addictive cravings
*EFT for Adverse Childhood (or Adhulthod) Experiences
*Introduction to EFT "Gentle Techniques" for trauma resolution
By the end of the workshop, participants will take away a powerful, portable tool that hat you can safely and confidently use for self-help. Clinicians will have a tool that can be easily added to a professional practice.
My EFT Education
As an EFT student, I studied with EFT founder, Gary Craig, as well as 5 of the 20 or so "EFT founding Masters." I have taken and taught EFT courses at every level. I now have 18 years of tapping experience and know-how I have been an EFT professional since 2009.
My EFT Approach:
I seamlessly combine Advanced EFT, Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) "Conversational Hypnosis," and Somatic Experiencing practices. My approach is explicitly trauma-informed, and I also always consider the social determinants of the health, happiness, and success of the people that I work with. I include but don't restrict my focus to the role of historical, epigenetic and institutionalized social trauma (oppression). I think every body (yes, "every body") should be conversant in the language of trauma, the language of social power and the relationship between trauma and power.
To RSVP and complete the registration or for more information please email "radicalresilience@gmailcom" with. "Holiday EFT Workshop 2018" in the "Subject" line.
Finally, donate at a level of your choice!
Victor Lee Lewis, MA, is the founder and director of the Radical Resilience Institute. Secretly, he is a self-taught black, no-collar scholar/philosopher, passionate about the life of the mind. He is a Progressive Life Coach and hypnotherapist, and a certified trainer in Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). Victor is a nationally respected diversity and social justice educator with more than 30 years of experience, best known for his leadership in the award-winning race relations documentary, "The Color of Fear." Victor holds an MA in Culture and Spirituality from Holy Names University, Oakland, CA. He lives in a cooperatively-owned housing community in Berkeley, hoping for the best, preparing for the worst.

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