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In Northwest Indiana, we have formed a new organization for trauma healing.  H.O.P.E. is the acronym for Haven of Peace and Empowerment.  The model for our program is the Cory Johnson Project in the Roxbury community of Boston. Our mission is this:  HOPE Center is a grassroots community trauma outreach program.   Guided by trained leaders and supported by the best current trauma research, individuals who have suffered many forms of trauma come together to support, encourage and empower one another so that all may move toward healing together. HOPE strives to create a place of safety and well-being. It also wraps around survivors a network of other services and therapies they may draw upon as needed.  

The heart of our program is an evening of community support and sharing called, "Can We Talk"?  Our literature reads:  have you been hurt by abuse, imprisonment, poverty rape, racism, neglect, harassment, community/domestic violence?  Come together for support, community sharing, strength.  Share your story...if and when you wish.  No judgment, no advice, just kind attention.  Find hope and get strong together.  We meet once a month, a meal is served, childcare is provided and there is no cost to participants.  






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