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Hayward school district creates parent-friendly hub []



Taking a cue from the one-stop-shopping business model, the school district is pulling together various parent services into one centralized hub.

The district is converting the former John Muir Elementary to house several programs, including kindergarten enrollment, volunteer fingerprinting and health care enrollment.

"This will make it much more convenient for families," said Assistant Superintendent Chien Wu-Fernandez.

Other programs at the hub will include free lunch applications, the Youth Enrichment Program, preschool programs, health care enrollment, alternative education placement, prekindergarten special education, preschool enrollment, school nurses and parent education. The Youth Enrichment Program provides before- and after-school activities and instruction.

"You can enroll your kid in YEP, sign up for free and reduced price lunches, talk to people about busing, and you could finish enrollment in a day. Before, as a parent, you had to run all over town to get some of those things done," Wu-Fernandez said.

School district programs have been gradually moving into the hub since 2013. One of the first was Hayward Promise Neighborhood, which helps coordinate programs funded by a five-year, $25 million federal grant to improve the lives and academics of students. The former school is in the middle of the Jackson Triangle neighborhood the Promise Neighborhood grant targets.

Cal State East Bay is the lead entity for the grant, but it coordinates with the Hayward Unified School District and other agencies. Some of those partners will open offices at the hub this summer.


[For more of this story, written by Rebecca Parr, go to]


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