Why do SO few people make real progress recovering from the long term effects of childhood trauma?
If you ask me, it’s because of the misguided belief that telling the story of what happened in the past -- if we just probe the memories enough and generate enough emotions around those memories -- will somehow make everything better.
And now this belief in “the story” dominates the kind of help you can get when you ask for help, and it dominates decisions about what health insurance will cover.
And yet the evidence suggests that this hard focus on memories and feelings just don't heal trauma.
I want to show a different way to approach the long term effects of abuse and neglect in childhood -- one that is based more closely on science and recent research about the real nature of trauma.

Wondering where to start? Try my online course Healing Childhood PTSD
You can access all my courses, as well as regular group coaching calls via Zoom, when you sign up for my most popular product — an Annual Membership
If you’d like a more sustained support, apply for my 8-Week Coaching Intensive (starts Saturday October 24.
If you’ve wondered whether you’re experiencing Dysregulation from CPTSD, you’ll be interested in my Dysregulation Quiz.
I invite you to check out all my stuff at www.crappychildhoodfairy.com
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