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Health Consequences of Violence and Abuse Across the Lifespan - (PPT in PDF)


This slide presentation shares information on the incidence and health consequences of child maltreatment. The influence of child maltreatment from birth through death is explained, including social, emotional, and cognitive impairments, adoption of health-risk behaviors, disease, injury, and disability, and early death. Findings from the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study are reported that indicate a link between ACE and adult cardiovascular disease, and findings that show exposure to violence compromising early brain development are illustrated. The lifetime economic burden of child maltreatment is reported to be $124 billion in 2008. Following slides include a chart showing the reduction in annual earnings from selected health events, including child maltreatment, and convey findings from the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey on gender differences in violence experiences and impacts. Results from the survey indicate women are disproportionately affected by violence, the majority of victims knew their perpetrator, and the majority of victims suffered impacts. Strategies the Center for Disease Control are using to respond are noted.

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