Caitlin Lanier understands the healing process required for sexual assault survivors. She was sexually assaulted during her first year of college. Lanier didn’t have many options to help her heal. She joined a support group and she’d drink alcohol.
“And drink and drink and drink and numb ourselves afterwards and that was our only mode of therapy,” Lanier remembers.
She also battled an eating disorder. Her struggle continued for several years. Things only began to get better when she rediscovered something from high school: yoga. Lanier didn’t feel the urge to drink anymore. She regained control of her life.
Now, 10 years later, Lanier is working on her master’s degree in social work. The yoga worked so well for her, she wanted to bring it to other survivors of sexual assault to help them heal. She worked with the university to set up a class it’s never offered before.
“We’re calling it healing breath trauma-sensitive yoga, and it’s for survivors of sexual assault.”
How A Boise State Class Is Using Yoga To Help Sexual Assault Victims
Photo credit: Jessica Murri For Boise State Public Radio
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