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How Many Teenage Girls Deliberately Harm Themselves? Nearly 1 in 4, Survey Finds. []


Up to 30 percent of teenage girls in some parts of the United States say they have intentionally injured themselves without aiming to commit suicide, researchers have found.

About one in four adolescent girls deliberately harmed herself in the previous year, often by cutting or burning, compared to about one in 10 boys.

The overall prevalence of self-harm was almost 18 percent.

[For more on this story by Emily Baumgaertner, go to]

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This is heartbreaking.  a couple of quotes: There are wide gaps in researchers’ understanding of self-harm, Dr. Monto noted: β€œIs adolescence more difficult in some states than in others? What does it actually mean to them when they do it? How is the behavior learned and regarded differently in different cultures?”

The practice is so widespread across both sexes that addressing it on a case-by-case basis β€” instead of as a public health problem β€” may be insufficient, the researchers said.

I would argue that we need to look at these behaviors through an ACEs & trauma informed lens to get to the root of the self harm and other harming behaviors among teens.  Wish researchers would study the the issue in this way.

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