- Join ACEs Connection by clicking on www.acesconnection.com/join and create a profile.
- You will be asked to include your location, profession, organization, interest in ACEs, and a picture of yourself. Please complete the whole profile, including adding a photo. Be sure to provide your first and last name as your Display Name.
- After filling out the profile, it will be reviewed, and, after it's verified, you will receive a welcome message from ACEs Connection staff with information on how to adjust your notification settings and receive as many or few emails as desired, including the daily digest and weekly roundup. If you live in a community that has a group, you will automatically be placed in that group.
- Need to update, add info, or add a picture to your profile? Questions on how to navigate the site? Visit: www.acesconnection.com/collect...d-on-aces-connection
- Check out groups and join one that interests you: https://pacesconnection.crowdstack.io/groups
- If you join a public group, you will become a member immediately. If you join a private group, you will have to await approval from a community manager.
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