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International Overdose Awareness Day


Overdoses from illicit and prescription drugs are on the rise in the United States, leaving 92,500 dead and thousands of grieving family members, friends, and communities wondering what could have been done to save their lives.

August 31 is International Overdose Day, when all people globally are asked to consider the deadly consequences of drug abuse and the tragedy of those who overdose and die.

This article will explore drug overdoses and hopefully bring awareness to this growing cancer in society.

Opioid Abuse

Perhaps one of the most sinister drug categories abused today is opioids. Opioids include prescription drugs such as Hydrocodone and illicit drugs such as heroin. These drugs fall under illicit or prescription; they are highly addictive and dangerous if consumed irresponsibly.

The illicit drug heroin is made from morphine, a substance derived from the seed pod of various opium poppy plants grown in foreign countries such as Mexico, Colombia, Southeast, and Southwest Asia. When ingested, heroin enters the brain rapidly and binds to opioid receptors, especially those involving feelings of pain and pleasure. These same receptors control heart rate, breathing, and sleeping.

[Click here to read more.]

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