As the community facilitator for the Southeastern U.S., I'm excited to announce our newest ACEs Connection geographic community: Florida ACEs Connection.
This community is a collaborative effort of state agencies; schools; institutes of higher learning; faith, community, and grassroots organizations; and other interested individuals. They are providing education and training on trauma informed approaches and interventions to mitigate the negative effects of stress and adversity on children and their families.
The site manager is Jennifer Travieso, who also manages the Peace4The Big Bend ACEs Connection community for Tallahassee and the upper panhandle region of Florida.

About Jennifer:
Jennifer Travieso is the Family Services Supervisor at DISC Village. Jennifer obtained her Masters in Social Work at Florida State University in 2006. She has been working in the field of trauma, addictions, and mental health since August of 2005. She has lead Peace4theBigBend and was a part of the initial work group. She also is also the community manager for the Peace4theBigBend website on ACEs Connection. Peace4theBigBend, formerly the Circuit II Trauma-Informed Care Workgroup, was established in August 2010 during a statewide seminar on Trauma Informed Systems of Care. It models Peace4Tarpon and Peace4Gainesville, also in Florida.
Members of Florida ACES Connection recently helped host a Think Tank on Creating a Trauma Informed State. For more information about that event, and to download a PDF of the booklet shared at that conference in August, click here.
For those of you in and around Florida, please join us to offer your voice, participation, and contributions in person and online. Please check the calendar for upcoming meetings and events!
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