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JAMA and Parenting Education

The Journal of the American Medical Association has reported that the national economic burden of ACE-related adult health conditions was $14.1 trillion annually ($183 billion in direct medical spending and $13.9 trillion in lost healthy life-years), or $88, 000 per affected adult annually and $2.4 million over their lifetimes.


The most important, and frustratingly, the least discussed takeaway from The ACE Study is that many aces could be prevented with an entirely new kind of parenting education that reaches everyone, everywhere.

In manufacturing there is a concept called continuous quality improvement. Well, this would be an effort to continuously improve the quality of parenting.

Shouldn't the American Academy of Pediatrics, the CDC, the NIH, the Harvard Center on the Developing Child, and the NPSC be developing this entirely new kind of parenting education?

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