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Kicked out of a charter school? Deal struck in Sacramento on bill spelling out your rights []


Parents who believe their child is being "counseled out" of a charter school in California could soon have the right to request a hearing to challenge the student's removal.

This provision is part of a broader deal State Assemblyman Rob Bonta (D-Oakland) brokered between charter school lobbyists and teachers union leaders in Sacramento, potentially paving the way for state lawmakers to change state laws governing charter schools' enrollment or discipline policies this session.

The deal would amend Assembly Bill 1360, which members of the Assembly's Appropriations Committee could take up and send to the House floor at their meeting on Friday. Bonta said the legislature's lawyers are still working out the exact wording for the changes.

But if the new language meets with all sides' approval, Bonta will have sewn up a rare agreement between two rival Sacramento heavyweights: the state's largest teachers union, the California Teachers Association; and the California Charter Schools Association.

[For more of this story, written by Kyle Stokes, go to]

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This is so timely and much needed especially given the current political climate. 

As parents of two kids with special needs, when we toured our local charter school, and disclosed that our kids had specific educational needs  we could not even get an application for school admission!  

What a missed opportunity for the charter school students to get to know kids of all abilities ....

Tomorrow our youngest is graduating high school and has scholarship for college! 

Assemblyman Bonta, I am sure we are like so many other parents - feeling a deep sense of gratitude for your advocacy!    

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