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Korean TV Show Tackles Taboo Subject of Mental Illness []



South Korea is notorious for having one of the world’s highest suicide rates. For years now, it has ranked consistently near the bottom in global happiness indices. Yet despite these glaring statistics, few if any South Koreans talk openly about mental health.

That may be changing now, though, thanks to a recent television drama that takes place in the mental health ward of a hospital.

The TV show, titled “It’s OK, That’s Love,” stars Gong Hyo-jin, who plays Ji Hae-soo, a psychiatrist working in a hospital in Seoul. She meets a successful novelist struggling with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and schizophrenia. What begins as a series of comedic encounters soon transforms into a budding romantic relationship between two individuals coming to grips with their own inner turmoil.

In Korea’s media saturated society, the program is already beginning to lift the veil – if only slightly – on long-held taboos around mental health.

Yoon Hong-gyun, a practicing psychiatrist in Seoul, says he’s seen an uptick in the number of visitors to his office seeking treatment since the show aired this summer on Korean channel SBS. “Many of them want to know whether they suffer from OCD, like the main character in the show,” he explained. Yoon added most of these new patients are young people.


[For more of this story, written by YeoJin Kim, go to]


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