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'La Chancla': Flip Flops As A Tool of Discipline []

For Latinos who grew up under the reign of "La Chancla" (the flip flop), the idea of corporal punishment is not a foreign one. Many of us, from the moment we could speak in full sentences, already knew the sting of discipline and all it entailed. We knew that when we got out of line – be it at the grocery store, the post office, anywhere – a good pela was to be expected. Shoes, rulers, spatulas; these were the objects with which we were instructed to stop pestering our siblings and/or improve our grades in school. But when did this all become a thing to laugh about?

Take "The Secret of La Chancla," a humorous video about why Hispanic children are "so well behaved."

In it, we see the infamous chancla flying across rooms, hitting kids upside the head swiftly for the purpose of inciting fear and curbing unwanted bad behavior.

"The secret is Hispanic culture, which emphasizes boundaries, developmental growth, and a traditional technique known as ... La Chancla."

With over 5 million views and counting, "The Secret of La Chancla" continues to ignite passionate discussion from people on all sides of the debate. The comment section is a source of often disconcerting commentary from both young and old, and from people claiming a variety of backgrounds.


[For more of this story, written by Juan Vidal, go to]


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