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Local child abuse numbers rise at Children's Center; Bi-county totals contrast overall total

Child abuse cases using the Children's Center reflected a significant drop in 2013 over the 15-county area served.

In contrast, cases processed at the Monett (Missouri) office based on referrals from Barry and Lawrence counties showed a 5 percent rise for the period.

Cassie Meier took over as child advocate for the Monett office in January when Rebecca Anderson stepped down. Meier, who continues working as needed as a forensic interviewer, observed there was no clear reason why the four Children's Center offices saw an overall dip in cases. The 2013 sum of 949 was down 92 cases, or 9 percent, from 2012, and was 55 cases below the 2011 total.

The most marked shift fell in the ages of the victims. Those aged 6 and under declined by 72 cases, or 18 percent. Older victim groups declined marginally.

"I think it's more prevention," Meier said. "We're heading it off before it happens. We're getting awareness into schools and pre-schools, and letting parents know what to look for. The offenders are not strangers. It's people you know."




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  • MonettMissouriTimes

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