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Look To Women's Shelters To Help Shape Mental Health Conversations []


Some of the most passionate mental health advocates work in women's shelters. Women on the front-lines for addressing mental health needs. Women supporting other women to find safety, stability, and empowerment in their lives -- in a way, sisterhood embodied. We need to hear their voices as Canada embarks on necessary (and overdue) conversations on the state of mental health care. There is no one-size-fits-all approach.

Mental health stigma is real and online campaigns like Bell Let's Talk are helping to dismantle it by sparking conversations. This is positive -- but we still have a ways to go. Some mental health conditions remain misunderstood, like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. We must talk more about the prevalence of violence against women in our society and its inextricable links to trauma and mental health. We also need to educate ourselves on how to recognize and respond to trauma-induced coping mechanisms, like addictions. No one should suffer in silence for fear of stigma.

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