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Looking Back at Our Top Read Blogs in 2020


Happy 2021, ACEs Connection members and visitors! Many of us are eager to move forward this year, leaving the chaos of 2020 behind us.

While 2020 challenged us with a global pandemic, nearly 2 million Covid-related deaths worldwide, coping with a staying inside, the loss of normal routines and daily life, and the loss and fear of loss of loved ones, we at ACEs Connection were honored to be able to offer some relief through this online platform and community that openly discusses solutions to adverse childhood experiences and trauma. 2020 was heavy in stress and its potential long-term consequences. We hope that together we can share resources to heal.

Over 4,000 of you attended A Better Normal live Zoom meetings on a variety of topics. See our 2020 Top 15 here:

We had 4,044,056 page views of our website in 2020, our highest year yet!

9,858 new members joined our community in 2020 for a total of 48,808 members as of December 31, 2020. Wow!

For those of you looking to create, post, and share content that heals and resonates with a wide audience, we hope this list gives you some ideas.

Here are our top 10 most read blogs or most watched videos in 2020:

1. The Great Realization—[4 min - Probably Tomfoolery]

Weirdly, this post on 5/3/20 by @Jane Stevens of a YouTube video had 418,191 views. The heartwarming and earnest story probably helped many people with a sense of hope about the lessons we could learn from 2020 and how to create a better society moving forward.

2. Got Your ACE, Resilience Scores?

This post from 1/1/17 by Jane Stevens continues to be our most popular blog, especially as knowledge of ACEs gains momentum and traction, folks around the globe are googling how they can find out their ACEs score. What's wonderful about this post is that it tells us our strengths as well as our potential weaknesses. And once folks find ACEs Connection, they can be connected to all the healing tools available, as well as our healing community.

3. How to Release Emotions Stuck in Your Body

11/16/18 by @Joanna Ciolek

This step-by-step guide includes the steps 1) recognize, 2) respond, and 3) reset and includes Joanna's own healing personal story.

4. Therapeutic Tremoring - Shake Off Stress and Trauma

9/15/18 by a former member

"Trauma therapist Peter Levine wrote in his book the Waking the Tiger, that animals don’t get PTSD. The reason being, once out of danger, they shiver and shake and release the trauma from their bodies."

5. The Tiny Cell that Connects Our Physical and Mental Health, and Solves a Decades-Old Mystery of Why Toxic Stress Leads to Brain Changes that Spark Depression, Anxiety

2/4/20 by @Donna Jackson Nakazawa

All about Donna's latest book The Angel and the Assassin, which I personally pre-ordered immediately and devoured in 2 days.

6. 7 Things You Don't Know About The Irritable Male Syndrom That Could Be Undermining Your Relationship

5/2/19 by @Jed Diamond, PhD

This is about mid-life male irritability due to hormonal changes. Includes solutions!

7. The Absence of Punishment in Our Schools

2/28/20 by @Rebecca Lewis-Pankratz

Most of us have a sneaking suspicion that rewards and punishments in schools aren't working but few have been able to articulate why as well as Rebecca. This post is not to be missed...and you may have missed it as our world came crashing down just 2 weeks after it was published.

8. What is Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD)?

11/18/19 by @Matthew Pappas

"CPTSD forms in response to repeated interpersonal violence that leaves the victim, a child or adult, feeling trapped with no hope of escape or of imminent death."

9. The Ten Books That Changed My Life - Healing ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) and Building Resilience

6/19/19 by @Teri Wellbrock

A solid list of healing books! Have you read all of these?

10. Three E's and 4 R's - SAMHSA's New Publication of Trauma Informed Care

12/21/14 by @Leslie Lieberman

Wow! It's so cool to see the staying power of a post from 2014! This post is still resonating with our readers in 2020. A commenter noted that this resources is "very helpful in developing a TIC training for a school based mental health team."


Thank you to all the contributors who help make our website possible. We rely on member posts to help us stay up-to-date and hopeful about the state of the world out there. Remember: any member can post a blog. Just log in and click the "Post" button in the upper right-hand corner.


What were some of your favorite posts, videos, and resources at ACEs Connection this year? Did anything help get you through? We'd love to hear in the comments below.

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"We had 4,044,056 page views of our website in 2020, our highest year yet!"

Wow! That is amazing. Congrats. I feel honored to be included on this list and as a member of this empowering community.

I'll be sure to share with my Healing Place Podcast audience so they can check out these Top 10 and hopefully join this online community.



Thanks, Terri!

"We had 4,044,056 page views of our website in 2020, our highest year yet!"

Wow! That is amazing. Congrats. I feel honored to be included on this list and as a member of this empowering community.

I'll be sure to share with my Healing Place Podcast audience so they can check out these Top 10 and hopefully join this online community.



Great roundup, Alison!

Thank you for researching and posting this.

I’ve loved many of our “A Better Normal” webinars and have been grateful for the work of Rebecca Lewis-Pankratz. I love how she has opened my eyes to what works to help people leave poverty: relationships. It is no surprise that one of her posts is in the top 10! (#7)

It’s also been good to track the prolific work of Becky Haas in her reports on ACEs trainings with law enforcement, medical professionals, educators, leaders, communities of faith. I watch her here and on LinkedIn, where she has no doubt introduced ACEs science to scores of people.

Also, Christina Bethell had a great post shortly after the start of the pandemic. It was insightful and had an element of fun and gaming in it, something that was needed at the time, and has been instructive throughout the pandemic. I will share the link shortly, when I am back on my laptop instead of my cell phone.

There are many more great resources from 2020, including the the entire COVID 19 widget that takes one to innumerable resources, and the ACEs and Racism widget, that is a go-to resource.


Carey Sipp

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