June 2017
Between Peace4Communities ~ DBA Peace4Tarpon, Trauma Informed Community
New Community Member/Partner:
The Peace4Tarpon Vision: Tarpon Springs, a trauma informed community
The Peace4Tarpon Mission: To promote community-wide trauma awareness, sensitivity and healing
As a party to this MOU, I join with Peace4Tarpon in my understanding that:
- A proven correlation exists between the occurrence of early life adversity and trauma and serious and costly, adult medical, psychological and behavioral problems;
- The cumulative effects of these problems severely impact both individuals and society, often manifesting as debilitating illnesses, addictions, insecurities, depression and other mental or emotional disturbances, as well as developmental disorders, joblessness, poverty, domestic violence, child abuse/neglect, homelessness, prostitution, incarceration, early death and suicide;
- Tarpon Springs is committed to addressing the causes and consequences of previously unrecognized and unaddressed trauma through coordinated and comprehensive community efforts;
- Peace4Tarpon actively supports the vision and purpose of all communities that provide their citizens with trauma-related resources: education, guidance, prevention and assistance with healing.
I will strive to:
- Attend Peace4Tarpon’s monthly Open Forum / Steering Committee meetings;
- Serve on at least one of Peace4Tarpon’s related Work Groups or Committees; and
- Participate in projects and programs that address the mission of Peace4Tarpon.
As a Peace4Tarpon Partner, I agree also to inform, connect, transform, and heal by:
- Keeping informed of the growing availability of Trauma-Informed Care and Trauma Specific Service nationwide, through a free online subscription to “ACEs Connection;” (https://pacesconnection.crowdstack.io/)
- Becoming more aware of my own and others’ trauma histories and resilience by (privately) completing the Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) and Resilience questionnaires; (peace4tarpon.org)
- Expanding my understanding of the impact of trauma, including PSTD, and the difference between its management and its resolution;
- Practicing and promoting trauma sensitivity among my friends, family and co-workers, some of whom struggle daily with trauma-related challenges the rest of us may know nothing about.
This MOU will remain in effect indefinitely; either party may terminate the MOU upon written notice to the other.
Signature of Welcome to Peace4Tarpon:
________________________________________________________ __________________________
Community Member/Partner Date
________________________________________________________ __________________________
Peace4Tarpon, Director or Officer Date
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