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Mission statements

Maine Resilience Building Network 

  • To promote resilience in all people by increasing and improving our understanding of traumas and stressors such as ACEs and why they matter.

NCAR (National Collaborative on Adversity and Resilience)

  • The National Collaborative on Adversity and Resilience (NCAR) is a diverse group of people representing organizations and networks reaching across sectors and geographies to advance health equity. NCAR promotes ideas, policies and practices that minimize and prevent childhood adversity and that build resilience in individuals, families and communities.

Walla Walla, WA, Children's Resilience Initiative 

  • Mobilizing the community through dialogue to radically reduce the number of ACEs while building resilience and a more effective service delivery system.
  • For schools: We help teach, model and promote a deeper understanding of how the brain develops to better serve our children and their ability to learn.

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